After Jamie's rescue, about 8 minutes into the show:
Jamie to Claire:
Leig leam falbh.
(Let me go die.)
Jamie to Murtagh:
Feumaidh tu stad a chur air mo chràdh!
(You must put an end to my torment!)
Murtagh to Jamie:
Chan éist mi ri seo!
(I won't listen to this!)
At the Abbey after the story Willie told about his uncle:
Angus to Willie:
Dùin do chraos!
(Shut your big mouth!)
Conversation between Murtagh and Jamie about 27 minutes into the show:
Ciamar as urrainn mo leigeil ris a' chràdh seo?
(How can I be left to this pain?)
Nì sinn ar dìcheall do leigheas.
(We shall do our utmost to heal you.)
Cha ghabh cuid de nithean leigheas.
(Some things don't take healing.)
Mar as miann leam, cuir crìoch air seo a-nis.
(As is my desire, put an end to this now.)
Chan fhuilinn mi 'n còrr.
(I'll suffer no more of this.)
Chan fhaigh mi seachad air seo.
(I won't get past this.)
An toir u orm aslachdainn?
(Will you force me to beg?)
Thug mi geall do d' mhàthair.
(I gave a promise to your mother.)
Sìth air a h-anam.
(Peace on her soul.)
Nach tigeadh cron ort.
(That no harm would come to you.)
Is anmoch an uair, a ghoistidh.
(Late is the hour, oh godfather.)
Agas Claire?
(And Claire?)
Am bitheadh i na banntrach, air a treigsinn?
(Would she just be a widow, forsaken?)
Tha do cheann sa bhrochan.
(Your head's in the porridge — meaning you're not thinking straight).
Chan eil smaoin agad oirre ann.
(You haven't a single thought for her.)
Chan eil smaoin agam ann ach oirre-se.
(I haven't a single thought of anything but her.)
Willie to Jamie when he walks into Jamie's room about 33 minutes in:
A Fhrisealaich, bheil u dùisgte?
(Fraser, are you awake?)
On the beach, Angus to Murtagh:
Air d' ais, ana-chrìosdaidh!
(Be off with you, heathen!)
Jamie On the Cristabel about 55 minutes in when Claire tells him she's pregnant:
Gast' air fad!
(Absolutely brilliant.)