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Gaelic Term:

Beadraich mo colann, mo gràdhaiche

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Gaelic Terms and Translations

If you're an Outlander fan, it just makes a lot of sense to learn some Gaelic!

For more simple Gaelic words and phrases, look HERE

Gaelic Term  English Translation
A Dhia! Nach ann oirre a tha 'n tòn chruinn alainnGod, she has the most wonderful round ass
A Dhia, cuidich miOh God, help me
A DhiaOh, God (pronounced a jee-yah)
A DiaOh, God (pronounced a jee-yah)
A Fhrisealaich, bheil u dùisgte?Fraser, are you awake?
Agas Claire?And Claire?
Air d' ais, ana-chrìosdaidh!Be off with you, heathen!
Am bitheadh i na banntrach, air a treigsinn?Would she just be a widow, forsaken?
An toir u orm aslachdainn?Will you force me to beg?
Ar 'n athairOur Father
Beadraich mo colann, mo gràdhaicheCaress my body, my lover (pronounced bet-a-reise mo callon, mo ga-rag-e-heeyuh)
Beannachd leat, a charaidGoodbye, old friend
Beannachd leatGoodbye
Buidheachas, mo charaidThank you, friend
Caidil a nighean. Tè gheal, mo chridhe. Sa mhadainn bheir mi dhachaigh thu.Sleep lass. My white one, my heart. In the morning I'll take ye home.
Caisteal Dhuni!Castle Dounie, the Fraser's war cry
Calman gealwhite dove (pronounced cullaman geeh-yal)
Cha ghabh cuid de nithean leigheas.Some things don't take healing.
Chan eil smaoin agad oirre ann.You haven't a single thought for her.
Chan eil smaoin agam ann ach oirre-se.I haven't a single thought of anything but her.
Chan fhaigh mi seachad air seo.I won't get past this
Chan fhuilinn mi 'n còrr.I'll suffer no more of this.
Chan éist mi ri seo!I won't listen to this!
Ciamar a tha thu, a choin?How are you, dog?
Ciamar a tha thu, a ghille mhoir?How are you, male horse?
Ciamar a tha thu, a mac mo pheathar?How are you, nephew?
Ciamar a tha thu, mo athair?How do you do, Father?
Ciamar a tha tu, mo chridhe?How do you do, my heart?
Ciamar a tha/thu?How are you? (pronounced key-a-rah thaw/thow)
Ciamar as urrainn mo leigeil ris a' chràdh seo?How can I be left to this pain?
Dia eadarainn 's an t-olcGod between us and evil
Do mi!To me!
Dùin do chraos!Shut your big mouth!
Feasgar mathGood afternoon (pronounced fesgur mah)
Feumaidh tu stad a chur air mo chràdh!You must put an end to my torment!
Fois shìorruidh thoir dhaGod rest his soul
Fuil m fhala agus Cràimhmo dràmhaBlood of my blood, bone of my bone
Fuirich agus chi thuWait and see
Gast' air fad!Absolutely brilliant!
Go-latha-breith sona dhutHappy Birthday To You (pronounced koh lah bray sawna ghoot)
Greas ort!Hurry!
Greas!Hurry! (pronounced gah-rais)
Gu leòr!Enough! (pronounced goo yord)
Gu meal sibh ur naid-heachd!Congratulations!
Halòhello (pronounced haloo)
Hodie mihi cras tibi—sic transit gloria mundiMy turn today—yours tomorrow. Thus passes the glory of the world
Ian MòrBig (male) Ian
Ian ÒgLittle (male) Ian
Ifrinn an Diabhuil! A Dhia, thoir cobhair!Devil's Hell! Oh God, help us!
Is anmoch an uair, a ghoistidh.Late is the hour, oh godfather.
Ist m'eudial, cuir stad airdo rànail - cha tig cron sam bit ortHush, sweetheart. Don't weep - no harm will come to you.
Leig leam falbh.Let me go die.
Là breith sona dhuit Sassenach!Happy Birthday To You Sassenach!
Làimhsich mo leisTouch my thigh (pronounced lie-sheeh mo leesh)
Mac DubhSon of the Black One
Mac na gallaSon of a bitch
Madainn mhathGood morning (pronounced mahteen vah)
Mar as miann leam, cuir crìoch air seo a-nis.As is my desire, put an end to this now.
Mi gradhaich a thu, athairMy love to you, Father
Mòran taingMany thanks (pronounced moran tang)
Nach tigeadh cron ort.That no harm would come to you.
Nì sinn ar dìcheall do leigheas.We shall do our utmost to heal you.
Oidhche mhathGood night (pronounced oykah vah)
Pòg mo busKiss my lips (pronounced pog mo boose)
Pòg mo làmhKiss my hand (pronounced pog mo laav)
Pòg mo thon!Kiss my ass!
Rach a h-IrtBugger off
SamhainnHalloween, October 31, The Feast of All Hallows
SamhainHalloween, October 31, The Feast of All Hallows
Se do bheathaYou're welcome (pronounced sheh doe VEH-huh)
Seas ri mo làmh, Roger an t'òranaiche, mac Jeremiah MacChoinneich!Stand by my hand, Roger the singer, son of Jeremiah MacKenzie
Seumas, mac an fhear dhuibhJames, son of the Black One
Sguir dheth!Stop that! (pronounced ssqoot heyay)
SguirStop doing whatever you're doing (pronounced ssqoot)
Siuthad dhomh pòg!Give us a kiss! (pronounced shoe-it go pog)
Slainte mhath!Good Cheer!
Slan leat, a charaid choirLuck to you, dear friend
Slàn leatGoodbye (pronounced slawn lat)
Sonas, is beairteas!Peace and wealth
Sàmhach!Quiet! (pronounced sah-vache)
Sìth air a h-anam.Peace on her soul.
TaitinnPlease (pronounced tock- schcheen)
Tapadh leatThank you (pronounced TAHplett or TAH-puh LAHT)
Tapadh leatThank you (pronounced tapot locht)
Tearlach mac SeamusCharles, son of James; Charles Stuart
Tha do cheann sa bhrochan.Your head's in the porridge - meaning you're not thinking straight
Tha gaol agam oirbh, a MhàthairMy love is upon you, Mother
Tha gaol agam oirbh, agus bithidh gu bràthI love you, I always will
Tha gaol agam ortI love you
Tha mi duilichI'm sorry
Thalla le DiaGo with God
Thig crioch air an t-saoghal ach mairidh ceol agus gaolThe world may come to an end, but love and music will endure
Thug mi geall do d' mhàthair.I gave a promise to your mother.
Tulach ArdThe High Hill; Battle cry of clan MacKenzie
a bhalaicha small, beloved boy, sonny
a bheanachdmy blessing
a bhoireanaichwoman
a bhràthairbrother
a cho-oghacousin
a choindog
a chuislemy heart's blood
a dhiobhailyou devil
a ghille ruaidh, a charaid!red-headed boy, friend
a ghille ruaidhmy red-headed boy
a ghoistidhgodfather
a ghraidhLess formal version of 'mo ghraidh' which means my love
a leannansweatheart, or baby if addressed to a daughter or young person
a mac mo chinnidhson of my house
a mac mo pheatharson of my sister, or nephew
a mhic an diabhoilYou son of the devil
a muirninndarling
a nighean ruaidhmy red-headed lass
a piuthar-chèilesister-in-law
a piutharsister
a ruaidhthe red one
arisaida woman's shawl or a woman's version of a kilt
aslaichbreast (pronounced ass-leigh)
balach biodheachbeautiful boy or bonnie laddie
balach mathgood boy
balachboy or lad
ban-druidhfemale sorceror
ban-lichtnefemale healer, wisewoman, or conjure woman
ban-lighichefemale physician or healer
beadraichcaress (pronounced bet-a-reise)
bodhrana flat, circular drum, with stretched skin head over a wooden frame, beaten with a short, double-headed stick
botpenis (pronounced boat)
broch tuarachnorth-facing tower
busmouth/lips (pronounced boose)
calman gealwhite dove
ceilidha festivity or party, often with music and singing (pronounced KAY-lee)
ceo gheasacachmagic mist
cirein croinseamonster or sea serpent
co-ghinhave sex (pronounced co-yin)
coel morbig music; pipe music
colannbody (pronounced callon)
cridheheart (pronounced cree)
deamhandeamon or devil
donasdevil or demon
droch aitebad place
druidhsorceror or witch
duillevagina (pronounced dull-yeh)
duine mathGood man
duine uasalman of worth, solid citizen, gentleman, man of means/integrity
duinea man or individual
each uisgea water horse
eudaildarling (pronounced ay-dahl)
feithwait (pronounced fee)
ghille mhoirmale horse
gillelad, young man, or male servant
gràdhaichelover (pronounced gah-rAg-heeyah)
gu leoir!plenty, enough!
halòhello (pronounced ha-low)
ho, mo cridhJust so?
is misei am
latha mathgood day
leisthigh (pronounced leesh)
luaidh mo chèilelove of my life (pronounced loy mo heeluh)
làimhsichtouch (pronounced lie-sheeh)
làmhhand (pronounced laav)
m'annsachdmy best beloved
macson of
mar shionnachlike a fox
mar sin leat/leibhgoodbye
mo airgeadachmy silver one, my silver-haired lass
mo bràmairMy sweetheart (pronounced mo ba-rham-et)
mo caomhnachmy friend (pronounced coov-nacht)
mo charaidmy friend, my kinsman
mo chridhemy heart, term of affection
mo chuileanmy dog
mo cridhemy heart (pronounced mo cree)
mo duinnemy brown one
mo eudailmy darling, my dear (pronounced ay-dal)
mo ghillemy boy, my lad
mo ghràidhmy love
mo gràdhaichemy lover (pronounced mo ga-rag-e heeyuh)
mo leannanmy sweetheart (pronounced mo le-anan)
mo luaidhmy beloved, darling
mo maisemy beauty
mo nighean donnmy brown one; my brown-haired lass (pronounced mo-neein-down)
mo nighean dubhmy black-haired lass; my dark one
mo nigheanmy girl, my lass (pronounced mo-neein)
momy (pronounced mo)
muinealneck (pronounced moon-yall)
nighean na galladhserious insult
nigheangirl, lass, or lassie (pronounced nee-ann)
pìosailsexy (pronounced pee-saiyal)
pògkiss (pronounced pog)
ruaidhred (sounds almost like red)
sassenachoutlander or foreigner; usually derogatory (pronounced sass-un-nak)
sgian dhublack Scottish knife; a small knife; a sock dagger
silkiea seal
tannasgspirit or ghost
teuchterderogatory term used by Lowlanders for Highlanders, like hick or hillbilly
tuilleadhmore (pronounced too-yeg)
àilleagpretty girl (pronounced all-e-yak)

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