Gaelic Term | | English Translation |
A Dhia! Nach ann oirre a tha 'n tòn chruinn alainn | | God, she has the most wonderful round ass |
A Dhia, cuidich mi | | Oh God, help me |
A Dhia | | Oh, God (pronounced a jee-yah) |
A Dia | | Oh, God (pronounced a jee-yah) |
A Fhrisealaich, bheil u dùisgte? | | Fraser, are you awake? |
Agas Claire? | | And Claire? |
Air d' ais, ana-chrìosdaidh! | | Be off with you, heathen! |
Am bitheadh i na banntrach, air a treigsinn? | | Would she just be a widow, forsaken? |
An toir u orm aslachdainn? | | Will you force me to beg? |
Ar 'n athair | | Our Father |
Beadraich mo colann, mo gràdhaiche | | Caress my body, my lover (pronounced bet-a-reise mo callon, mo ga-rag-e-heeyuh) |
Beannachd leat, a charaid | | Goodbye, old friend |
Beannachd leat | | Goodbye |
Buidheachas, mo charaid | | Thank you, friend |
Caidil a nighean. Tè gheal, mo chridhe. Sa mhadainn bheir mi dhachaigh thu. | | Sleep lass. My white one, my heart. In the morning I'll take ye home. |
Caisteal Dhuni! | | Castle Dounie, the Fraser's war cry |
Calman geal | | white dove (pronounced cullaman geeh-yal) |
Cha ghabh cuid de nithean leigheas. | | Some things don't take healing. |
Chan eil smaoin agad oirre ann. | | You haven't a single thought for her. |
Chan eil smaoin agam ann ach oirre-se. | | I haven't a single thought of anything but her. |
Chan fhaigh mi seachad air seo. | | I won't get past this |
Chan fhuilinn mi 'n còrr. | | I'll suffer no more of this. |
Chan éist mi ri seo! | | I won't listen to this! |
Ciamar a tha thu, a choin? | | How are you, dog? |
Ciamar a tha thu, a ghille mhoir? | | How are you, male horse? |
Ciamar a tha thu, a mac mo pheathar? | | How are you, nephew? |
Ciamar a tha thu, mo athair? | | How do you do, Father? |
Ciamar a tha tu, mo chridhe? | | How do you do, my heart? |
Ciamar a tha/thu? | | How are you? (pronounced key-a-rah thaw/thow) |
Ciamar as urrainn mo leigeil ris a' chràdh seo? | | How can I be left to this pain? |
Dia eadarainn 's an t-olc | | God between us and evil |
Do mi! | | To me! |
Dùin do chraos! | | Shut your big mouth! |
Feasgar math | | Good afternoon (pronounced fesgur mah) |
Feumaidh tu stad a chur air mo chràdh! | | You must put an end to my torment! |
Fois shìorruidh thoir dha | | God rest his soul |
Fuil m fhala agus Cràimhmo dràmha | | Blood of my blood, bone of my bone |
Fuirich agus chi thu | | Wait and see |
Gast' air fad! | | Absolutely brilliant! |
Go-latha-breith sona dhut | | Happy Birthday To You (pronounced koh lah bray sawna ghoot) |
Greas ort! | | Hurry! |
Greas! | | Hurry! (pronounced gah-rais) |
Gu leòr! | | Enough! (pronounced goo yord) |
Gu meal sibh ur naid-heachd! | | Congratulations! |
Halò | | hello (pronounced haloo) |
Hodie mihi cras tibi—sic transit gloria mundi | | My turn today—yours tomorrow. Thus passes the glory of the world |
Ian Mòr | | Big (male) Ian |
Ian Òg | | Little (male) Ian |
Ifrinn an Diabhuil! A Dhia, thoir cobhair! | | Devil's Hell! Oh God, help us! |
Ifrinn! | | Hell! |
Is anmoch an uair, a ghoistidh. | | Late is the hour, oh godfather. |
Ist m'eudial, cuir stad airdo rànail - cha tig cron sam bit ort | | Hush, sweetheart. Don't weep - no harm will come to you. |
Leig leam falbh. | | Let me go die. |
Là breith sona dhuit Sassenach! | | Happy Birthday To You Sassenach! |
Làimhsich mo leis | | Touch my thigh (pronounced lie-sheeh mo leesh) |
Mac Dubh | | Son of the Black One |
Mac na galla | | Son of a bitch |
MacChoinneich | | MacKenzie |
Madainn mhath | | Good morning (pronounced mahteen vah) |
Mar as miann leam, cuir crìoch air seo a-nis. | | As is my desire, put an end to this now. |
Mi gradhaich a thu, athair | | My love to you, Father |
Mòran taing | | Many thanks (pronounced moran tang) |
Nach tigeadh cron ort. | | That no harm would come to you. |
Nì sinn ar dìcheall do leigheas. | | We shall do our utmost to heal you. |
Oidhche mhath | | Good night (pronounced oykah vah) |
Pòg mo bus | | Kiss my lips (pronounced pog mo boose) |
Pòg mo làmh | | Kiss my hand (pronounced pog mo laav) |
Pòg mo thon! | | Kiss my ass! |
Rach a h-Irt | | Bugger off |
Samhainn | | Halloween, October 31, The Feast of All Hallows |
Samhain | | Halloween, October 31, The Feast of All Hallows |
Se do bheatha | | You're welcome (pronounced sheh doe VEH-huh) |
Seamus | | James |
Seas ri mo làmh, Roger an t'òranaiche, mac Jeremiah MacChoinneich! | | Stand by my hand, Roger the singer, son of Jeremiah MacKenzie |
Seumas, mac an fhear dhuibh | | James, son of the Black One |
Sguir dheth! | | Stop that! (pronounced ssqoot heyay) |
Sguir | | Stop doing whatever you're doing (pronounced ssqoot) |
Sheaumais | | James |
Siuthad dhomh pòg! | | Give us a kiss! (pronounced shoe-it go pog) |
Slainte mhath! | | Good Cheer! |
Slan leat, a charaid choir | | Luck to you, dear friend |
Slàinte! | | Cheers! |
Slàn leat | | Goodbye (pronounced slawn lat) |
Sonas, is beairteas! | | Peace and wealth |
Sàmhach! | | Quiet! (pronounced sah-vache) |
Sìth air a h-anam. | | Peace on her soul. |
Taitinn | | Please (pronounced tock- schcheen) |
Tapadh leat | | Thank you (pronounced TAHplett or TAH-puh LAHT) |
Tapadh leat | | Thank you (pronounced tapot locht) |
Tcharlach | | Charles |
Tearlach mac Seamus | | Charles, son of James; Charles Stuart |
Tha do cheann sa bhrochan. | | Your head's in the porridge - meaning you're not thinking straight |
Tha gaol agam oirbh, a Mhàthair | | My love is upon you, Mother |
Tha gaol agam oirbh, agus bithidh gu bràth | | I love you, I always will |
Tha gaol agam ort | | I love you |
Tha mi duilich | | I'm sorry |
Thalla le Dia | | Go with God |
Thig crioch air an t-saoghal ach mairidh ceol agus gaol | | The world may come to an end, but love and music will endure |
Thug mi geall do d' mhàthair. | | I gave a promise to your mother. |
Tioraidh | | Bye |
Tulach Ard | | The High Hill; Battle cry of clan MacKenzie |
a bhalaich | | a small, beloved boy, sonny |
a bheanachd | | my blessing |
a bhoireanaich | | woman |
a bhràthair | | brother |
a cho-ogha | | cousin |
a choin | | dog |
a chuisle | | my heart's blood |
a dhiobhail | | you devil |
a ghille ruaidh, a charaid! | | red-headed boy, friend |
a ghille ruaidh | | my red-headed boy |
a ghoistidh | | godfather |
a ghraidh | | Less formal version of 'mo ghraidh' which means my love |
a leannan | | sweatheart, or baby if addressed to a daughter or young person |
a mac mo chinnidh | | son of my house |
a mac mo pheathar | | son of my sister, or nephew |
a mhic an diabhoil | | You son of the devil |
a muirninn | | darling |
a nighean ruaidh | | my red-headed lass |
a piuthar-chèile | | sister-in-law |
a piuthar | | sister |
a ruaidh | | the red one |
arisaid | | a woman's shawl or a woman's version of a kilt |
ashionnach | | fox |
aslaich | | breast (pronounced ass-leigh) |
athair-cèile | | father-in-law |
athair | | father |
balach biodheach | | beautiful boy or bonnie laddie |
balach math | | good boy |
balach | | boy or lad |
ban-druidh | | female sorceror |
ban-lichtne | | female healer, wisewoman, or conjure woman |
ban-lighiche | | female physician or healer |
ban | | female |
beadraich | | caress (pronounced bet-a-reise) |
beannachd | | blessed |
bhalaich | | boy |
bodhran | | a flat, circular drum, with stretched skin head over a wooden frame, beaten with a short, double-headed stick |
boidheach | | beautiful |
bot | | penis (pronounced boat) |
broch tuarach | | north-facing tower |
broch | | tower |
bus | | mouth/lips (pronounced boose) |
calman geal | | white dove |
ceilidh | | a festivity or party, often with music and singing (pronounced KAY-lee) |
ceo gheasacach | | magic mist |
charaid | | friend |
chirurgeon | | surgeon |
cirein croin | | seamonster or sea serpent |
co-ghin | | have sex (pronounced co-yin) |
coel mor | | big music; pipe music |
colann | | body (pronounced callon) |
cridhe | | heart (pronounced cree) |
cuimhnich | | remember |
deamhan | | deamon or devil |
dhuine | | man |
donas | | devil or demon |
droch aite | | bad place |
druidh | | sorceror or witch |
duille | | vagina (pronounced dull-yeh) |
duine math | | Good man |
duine uasal | | man of worth, solid citizen, gentleman, man of means/integrity |
duine | | a man or individual |
each uisge | | a water horse |
eudail | | darling (pronounced ay-dahl) |
feith | | wait (pronounced fee) |
ghille mhoir | | male horse |
gille | | lad, young man, or male servant |
gomerel | | fool |
gradhaich | | love |
gràdhaiche | | lover (pronounced gah-rAg-heeyah) |
gu leoir! | | plenty, enough! |
halò | | hello (pronounced ha-low) |
ho, mo cridh | | Just so? |
hochmagandy | | fornication |
is mise | | i am |
latha math | | good day |
leis | | thigh (pronounced leesh) |
luaidh mo chèile | | love of my life (pronounced loy mo heeluh) |
làimhsich | | touch (pronounced lie-sheeh) |
làmh | | hand (pronounced laav) |
m'annsachd | | my best beloved |
mac | | son of |
mar shionnach | | like a fox |
mar sin leat/leibh | | goodbye |
math | | good |
mi | | me |
mo airgeadach | | my silver one, my silver-haired lass |
mo bràmair | | My sweetheart (pronounced mo ba-rham-et) |
mo caomhnach | | my friend (pronounced coov-nacht) |
mo charaid | | my friend, my kinsman |
mo chridhe | | my heart, term of affection |
mo chuilean | | my dog |
mo cridhe | | my heart (pronounced mo cree) |
mo duinne | | my brown one |
mo eudail | | my darling, my dear (pronounced ay-dal) |
mo ghille | | my boy, my lad |
mo ghràidh | | my love |
mo gràdhaiche | | my lover (pronounced mo ga-rag-e heeyuh) |
mo leannan | | my sweetheart (pronounced mo le-anan) |
mo luaidh | | my beloved, darling |
mo maise | | my beauty |
mo nighean donn | | my brown one; my brown-haired lass (pronounced mo-neein-down) |
mo nighean dubh | | my black-haired lass; my dark one |
mo nighean | | my girl, my lass (pronounced mo-neein) |
mo | | my (pronounced mo) |
muineal | | neck (pronounced moon-yall) |
nighean na galladh | | serious insult |
nighean-cèile | | daughter-in-law |
nighean | | girl, lass, or lassie (pronounced nee-ann) |
pìosail | | sexy (pronounced pee-saiyal) |
pòg | | kiss (pronounced pog) |
ruaidh | | red (sounds almost like red) |
ruith | | run |
saorsa | | freedom |
sassenach | | outlander or foreigner; usually derogatory (pronounced sass-un-nak) |
seas | | stand |
sgian dhu | | black Scottish knife; a small knife; a sock dagger |
silkie | | a seal |
sionnach | | fox |
t'òranaiche | | singer |
tannasg | | spirit or ghost |
teuchter | | derogatory term used by Lowlanders for Highlanders, like hick or hillbilly |
thon | | ass |
tuarach | | north |
tuilleadh | | more (pronounced too-yeg) |
àilleag | | pretty girl (pronounced all-e-yak) |